Second Reflection: AFE 576
Agricultural Experience (SAE) is an opportunity for students to participate in
learning outside of regular classroom hours, with a focus in one of the agricultural
systems. This focus is more meaningful, and time well spent, if it is an
interest area of the student. SAEs requires time, and possibly money, outside
of the normal school day, along with regular journal entries to document the
experience. The overall goal of any SAE is for students to gain real-world knowledge
and skills to help them choose a career pathway for post-secondary success.
Agriculture is a broad field that supports our world.
Within public schools, we identify those in different systems. These systems
are: Agribusiness; Animal Sciences;
Biotechnology; Leadership/Business; Environmental Services; Food Products and
Processing; Natural Resources; Plants; and Power, Structural and Technical
Students interested in an Agribusiness focused SAEs have
a wide range of opportunities. These opportunities can directly relate to
businesses and industry within a school district, and crosses into all facets
of agriculture. These SAEs focus on, “business principles, including
management, marking and finance, and their application to enterprises.” An
example SAE within agribusiness is agri-tourism. This SAE not only supports the
agribusiness system, but also helps the student learn more about cultural,
environmental, and economical aspects of the region. Here is a link to a lesson, from the
National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE) online communities of
practice, to further development an SAE in agri-tourism.
Animal systems SAEs are probably the most practiced SAEs.
The focus is on, “including life processes, health, nutrition, genetics,
management and processing, through the study of small animals, aquaculture,
livestock, dairy, horses and/or poultry.” These are also very reflective of the
type of industry in the area and within the school district. Many rural schools
may not support small animal projects, but within urban areas, these may be
more practical due to space and city restrictions. An example of an SAE in
animal systems is a guide-dog program, where students care for and train
puppies to be guide-dogs. Just like many animal projects within an ag department,
this would be a program the school district, campus and ag teacher would
support and manage annually for the benefit of multiple student projects. For
more information on a successful program, learn more from Byron Nelson High
Biotechnology system SAEs focus on, “The study of data
and techniques of applied science for the solution of problems concerning
living organisms.” This type of SAE would be most beneficial to students within
an area with a biotechnology industry, or a larger district that has this
pathway. Students academically advanced in math and sciences would benefit from
a research or placement SAE in this system. A unique opportunity would be with pharmaceuticals
or genetically modified organisms in plant sciences or pest management. The US
Food & Drug Administration offers a Veterinary Medicine Student Program for
a variety of internships.
For students interested in plant sciences, a coveted internship with the Noble
Foundation would be a great placement and research SAE:
An SAE in the Cluster/Leadership/Business skills system focuses
on, “Leadership, personal growth and career success skills necessary for a
chosen profession that may relate to several of the other areas of interest.” This
type of SAE would benefit students who have completed a SAE and want to explore
other options within that system. This would give students additional
experiences to increase their knowledge, skills and attitudes of career choices
within that system. For example,
business management of beef production to leading policy changes in cattle
production or agricultural literacy to know where your food comes from.
interested in an Environmental Service system SAE focus on, “The study of
systems, instruments and technology used in waste management and their
influence on the environment.” This SAE could be done in conjunction of another
student’s animal systems SAE and the waste involved with animal production.
Another example could be a placement or research SAE with a dairy or poultry operation,
or even a feedlot. Some responsibilities a student would grow from in a wastewater
operator internship with a beef processing plant is: lab testing for process control, biological nutrient
removal studies, collect samples, work collaboratively and more.
A Food Products
and Processing Systems SAE involves, “The study of product development, quality
assurance, food safety, production, sales and service, regulation and
compliance, and food service within the food science industry.” These SAEs
provide students a look into processed meats and plants for consumption. This
provides a whole other look at agriculture as it goes from farm to table. Opportunities
for SAEs in this system could be dependent on the processing plants, grocers and
other food services in the area. Even access to universities and their
processing labs would be a great exploratory SAE. Texas Tech has research
facilities in food microbiology, pathogen processing laboratory, and even a
mobile laboratory.
An SAE in
the Natural Resources Systems focuses on, “The study of the management of soil,
water, wildlife, forests and air as natural resources.” There is a wide range
of SAEs in this system. This SAE would be reflective of the resources and
environment within the community and school district. A project that could be
beneficial to the school, as well as the student leading the SAE, is a schoolyard
habitat. This SAE would support the design, building and use of a garden, or
wildlife habitat, at t school. This would be a long-term SAE, with a way to
attract students for future ag enrollment and show diversity in agriculture. It
would also could be a collaborative project with other systems to support many
students in the chapter. To learn more:
The Plant
Systems SAE is, “The study of plant life cycles, classifications, functions,
practices, through the study of crops, turf grass, trees and shrubs and/or
ornamental plants.” This SAE also offers a variety of opportunities depending
on the needs of the student. An example is working with the natural resources
system student and their schoolyard habitat. The student could lead an
exploratory SAE to identify plants, insects and wildlife for the school, or
even research the impact the habitat has at school for biodiversity. Another
SAE that could grow from the schoolyard habitat is a community interest in
backyard habitats with native plants used in the schoolyard habitat. Therefore,
a student could lead entrepreneurship SAE by growing and selling native plants.
The last
type of SAE is within the Power, Structural and Technical Systems were students
learn more about, “The study of agricultural equipment, power systems,
alternative fuel sources and precision technology, as well as woodworking,
metalworking, welding and project planning for agricultural structures.” This
is probably the next most common SAE supporting many experiences within CDE,
shows and leadership events. Students could build structures to support animal
or plant production at home, or school. They could maintain machinery or repair
it, as well as restore antique tractors. Any of these experiences could range
from exploratory to research to entrepreneurship. An example for a tractor
restoration contest, with a monetary prize of $10,000:
SAEs should focus on the interest, time commitment and budget of the student.
To help students explore what type of SAE they should be involved with, a great
first step is the SAE explorer:
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